We will see Jesus at midnight- La miezul noptii va veni
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 26/10/2016
We will see Jesus at midnight

1.We will see Jesus at midnight
Descending from His throne
And woe to you if you’re not right
‘cause you’ll be left alone.
/: This world is blinded by the lie
That Jesus will not come,
But we are looking to the sky
Soon we will overcome. :/

2. Let’s everybody now reflect
Upon Eternal Life,
By faith in Him, be God’s elect
Your hearts stay out of strife.
/: Pain, sorrows you will face ahead
But please stay strong, awake
And words of courage you can spread
In love, for brother’s sake. :/

3. Be like a watchman on the wall,
Be wise, redeem your time
Soon we will hear the trumpet call,
The Groom will take His Bride.
/: He promised, He will come again
His steps are at the door,
Your walk with Him was not in vain,
You’ll live forevermore! :/

Free translation, Marius Alexandru

La miezul noptii va veni

1.La miezul noptii, va veni
Isus, cu pas domol,
Si vai de cel ce-l va gasi
Pierdut, cu suflet gol.
/: O, lumea asta de nevoi
Cum a orbit acum,
Crezand ca ziua de apoi
A-ntarziat pe drum... :/

2. Fiecare in lucrul lui
Sa-si pun-al vietii gand
Ca sa-l arate Domnului
Cand va veni-n curand.
/: Din somn treziti-va, sculati!
Caci va pandesc dureri -
Si unul pe-altul va-ndemnati
La sfinte privegheri. :/

3. Deci, suflete, fii gata, treaz!
O clipa nu dormi,
Caci trece Mirele chiar azi
Si daru-ti vei primi.
/: Venirea Lui s-apropiat
Sa treaca judecand.
O, suflet, tine-te curat,
Caci poti cadea oricand. :/

Nicolae Moldoveanu

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